High CRP and What It Means for Polymyalgia

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a blood test marker that your doctor might test for if he or she suspects that you have an inflammation or a chronic inflammatory disease, such as polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). Learn what the CRP test is and what its results could mean to you as a polymyalgia sufferer.

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a blood test marker that your doctor might test for if he or she suspects that you have an inflammation or a chronic inflammatory disease, such as polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). However, there are other diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis in which a CRP test is also required for diagnosis.

An autoimmune disease develops when the immune system interprets our healthy cells to be foreign. Autoimmunity usually affects body tissues. There are about 80 autoimmune diseases. The most common  are lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, anemia and polymyalgia rheumatica.

Polymyalgia is a common form of inflammatory disease in old people and usually mistaken for arthritis. However,there are also cases of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica who are younger than 50-years old.

PMR causes pain and stiffness in the shoulders and neck, hips and arms while affecting lining of joints. It can be diagnosed through blood tests such as red blood cell count, ESR and CRP test.

C-reactive protein is a substance generated by the liver when an inflammation exists. The C-reactive protein mixes with the blood. A high or positive result in the CRP test will tell of a systemic inflammation.

High CRP Indicates Inflammation

A CRP positive result is a reliable indicator that shows the patient’s increased likelihood to have a stroke or heart attack. In other cases, it is also an indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and infections. Serious diseases that may be traced by a CRP test include cancer, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. Most importantly, high CRP will indicate inflammation that is symptomatic of an autoimmune disease like polymyalgia rheumatica.

A CRP test does not require special preparation. The nurse just draws blood from the inside of the elbow or from the back of our hand. A CRP test is measured in milligrams of CRP per liter of blood.

Negative C-reactive protein in the blood means you have normal CRP levels. A level just a bit above normal CRP is interpreted as minimal inflammation of the body. A high CRP level is indicates otherwise.

A CRP level higher than 3.0 mg per liter means that the patient is suffering from chronic inflammation. But this result will need supporting tests to identify what kind of autoimmune disease the patient is suffering from.


An elevated CRP is usually parallel with the result of ESR or erythrocyte sedimentation rate. High results for CRP rate and ESR will give the doctor a good picture of the presence of autoimmune disease like PMR. This will signal the rheumatologist to prescribe the proper medication for PMR.

ESR alone cannot tell that you have polymyalgia but CRP will strongly confirm it.

ESR & Polymyalgia

PMR Treatment

A corticosteroid treatment is usually prescribed for patients whose ESR and CRP rate are abnormally high. A low red blood cell count will also support the results of high CRP. Low red blood cell count means the patient is anemic. Anemia is one of the common symptoms of PMR.

4 thoughts on “High CRP and What It Means for Polymyalgia”

  1. Ive had PMR close on 22months now plasma viscosity was18 now its 4 took 5 months to diagnose thought had 2 rotator cuff injuries but a GPfriend said its rare and to get viscosity test it was high put on steroids 15ml 4wks then 12 8wk 10 8wk all the way down to 1 which im on now for another 5wks i have and had for last 3months sciattica in right bum cheek somtimes left aswell very painful walking got co codamol 30/500 painkillers which dont like taking but dont help really get MRI scan see if back damaged at Coxcyx area we had lockdown with this virus 7months ago up until that i was swimming 3k 3/4 days a week but backs getting worse tried swim again but when tumble turning bit annoying lower back and next few days sciattica bad any solutions for this can it be my diet like meat chicken etc every other day dont drink or smoke been very active over 40yrs now 65 any advice would be appreciated. Billy

  2. My CRP went over 100, diagnosed with PMR at 63, a week ago after suffering since last December. Classic symptoms shoulder pain, hip pain, wrist pain all fit the diagnosis and prednisone 20mg daily wipes out the pain, at least till about 1am. Then I take ibuprofen 200mg several times during the night till morning. I also am type2 diabetic and had been taking 25 units insulin 3 times a day. My glucose which used to be under control went close to 400. So for AM I now take 40units, lunch time 30 units, dinner 25 units. Even so, my midday glucose will still read 200.

  3. I meant to say 4 pills of 200 mg so maybe 1600 to 2000mg ibuprofen. Before my diagnosis and prednisone, I was taking 3-gram ibuprofen a day, and it does help. I could function at least. But still had to keep taking it, and it does not kill most of the pain like prednisone does.


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